Southern Eagle Squadron is pleased to offer a 30-Day GUEST Pass for AMA members to enjoy the use of the field while visiting the area for only $50.
Guest Pass Rules and Requirements:
- 30-Day GUEST PASSES will be issued at the field by a Board Member or designee.
- Fill out the Guest Pass Form (below). A board member will reach out and arrange a meet and greet.
- Bring a check for $50 made out to “Southern Eagle Squadron” or $50 in cash (exact change only)
- A current AMA card and TRUST card must be presented. NO EXCEPTIONS. No cards, no pass!
- You MUST bring your own aircraft and demonstrate safe take-off, landing and pattern proficiency to be approved.
- Once an orange or red guest pass is issued, it must be visibly worn at all times. As a guest, there MUST be a SES member on site at all times and you must leave the field whenever the last present member leaves.
- Guests will not be issued the gate code.
- $50 for the guest pass will not be applied to your membership fees or dues should you elect to join Southern Eagle Squadron.
- A 30-day guest is not a member and has no voting privileges. Guests are not allowed to bring a flying guest. That person would need their own 30-day guest pass for $50. Family members are welcome.
- A 30-day guest pass may be renewed for an additional $50.