The Southern Eagle Squadron hosted Cadets and family from the US Air Force Central Florida Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol for the day. The event, held on March 9, 2024 at the S.E.S. field, included ground school instruction, AMA Safety briefing, RC Flight Simulator time, display of various S.E.S. member planes by their owner pilots, hands-on buddy box flying and a great lunch for all provided by the club. Each Cadet and, if desired, their family members, put in a full buddy-box training flight or two with an S.E.S. instructor. The spotter would raise a flag when the student pilot was in control of the model so there were lots of Ooos’ and Ahaas’ as the flights progressed. Only one unscheduled “landing” requiring the “Walk-of-shame’ was made. Each uniformed cadet was attentive, courteous, and eager to experience aviation in miniature as most are in full size flight training with the C.A.P. The event was enjoyed so much by all that it will be come an annual event for the C.A.P. and the Southern Eagle Squadron.
Special thanks to Major Jim Williams (Civil Air Patrol), Carl Dilks (event coordinator), Rick Smith and Steve Fuhrman (Certified AMA Flight Instructors), Jonnie Knowles (RealFlight Simulator), Mark Carey and Greg McNight (flight controls), Frank and Carol Mintz (head chefs) and the dozens of SES members who donated their time to make this event special and memorable.